REPORT zdemo14.TYPES: BEGIN OF text , line(256), END OF text .DATA: gt_response TYPE TABLE OF text WITH HEADER LINE .DATA: gt_response_header TYPE TABLE OF text WITH HEADER LINE .DATA: g_status(3) TYPE c , g_statustext(128) TYPE c , g_length TYPE i .PARAMETERS: p_url(100) TYPE c LOWER CASE DEFAULT ''.PARAMETERS: p_dest LIKE rfcdes-rfcdest DEFAULT 'SAPHTTP'.CALL FUNCTION 'HTTP_GET' EXPORTING absolute_uri = p_url rfc_destination = p_dest blankstocrlf = 'Y' IMPORTING status_code = g_status status_text = g_statustext response_entity_body_length = g_length TABLES response_entity_body = gt_response response_headers = gt_response_header EXCEPTIONS connect_failed = 1 timeout = 2 internal_error = 3 tcpip_error = 4 data_error = 5 system_failure = 6 communication_failure = 7 OTHERS = 8.IF sy-subrc 0.ENDIF.