1. 打开:


  1. void openChildInfoPipe(void) {
  2.     if (pipe(server.child_info_pipe) == -1) {
  3.         /* On error our two file descriptors should be still set to -1,
  4.          * but we call anyway cloesChildInfoPipe() since can't hurt. */
  5.         closeChildInfoPipe();
  6.     } else if (anetNonBlock(NULL,server.child_info_pipe[0]) != ANET_OK) {
  7.         closeChildInfoPipe();
  8.     } else {
  9.         memset(&server.child_info_data,0,sizeof(server.child_info_data));
  10.     }
  11. }
2. 关闭:


  1. /* Close the pipes opened with openChildInfoPipe(). */
  2. void closeChildInfoPipe(void) {
  3.     if (server.child_info_pipe[0] != -1 ||
  4.         server.child_info_pipe[1] != -1)
  5.     {
  6.         close(server.child_info_pipe[0]);
  7.         close(server.child_info_pipe[1]);
  8.         server.child_info_pipe[0] = -1;
  9.         server.child_info_pipe[1] = -1;
  10.     }
  11. }
3. 发送数据给parent


  1. /* Send COW data to parent. The child should call this function after populating
  2.  * the corresponding fields it want to sent (according to the process type). */
  3. void sendChildInfo(int ptype) {
  4.     if (server.child_info_pipe[1] == -1) return;
  5.     server.child_info_data.magic = CHILD_INFO_MAGIC;
  6.     server.child_info_data.process_type = ptype;
  7.     ssize_t wlen = sizeof(server.child_info_data);
  8.     if (write(server.child_info_pipe[1],&server.child_info_data,wlen) != wlen) {
  9.         /* Nothing to do on error, this will be detected by the other side. */
  10.     }
  11. }
4. 接收parent的数据


  1. /* Receive COW data from parent. */
  2. void receiveChildInfo(void) {
  3.     if (server.child_info_pipe[0] == -1) return;
  4.     ssize_t wlen = sizeof(server.child_info_data);
  5.     if (read(server.child_info_pipe[0],&server.child_info_data,wlen) == wlen &&
  6.         server.child_info_data.magic == CHILD_INFO_MAGIC)
  7.     {
  8.         if (server.child_info_data.process_type == CHILD_INFO_TYPE_RDB) {
  9.             server.stat_rdb_cow_bytes = server.child_info_data.cow_size;
  10.         } else if (server.child_info_data.process_type == CHILD_INFO_TYPE_AOF) {
  11.             server.stat_aof_cow_bytes = server.child_info_data.cow_size;
  12.         }
  13.     }
  14. }

12-18 09:54