能量模型的概念从统计力学中得来,它描述着整个系统的某种状态,系统越有序,系统能量波动越小,趋近于平衡状态,系统越无序,能量波动越大。例如:一个孤立的物体,其内部各处的温度不尽相同,那么热就从温度较高的地方流向温度较低的地方,最后达到各处温度都相同的状态,也就是热平衡的状态。在统计力学中,系统处于某个状态的相对概率为,即玻尔兹曼因子,其中T表示温度,是玻尔兹曼常数,是状态的能量。玻尔兹曼因子本身并不是一个概率,因为它还没有归一化。为了把玻尔兹曼因子归一化,使其成为一个概率,我们把它除以系统所有可能的状态的玻尔兹曼因子之和Z,称为配分函数(partition function)。这便给出了玻尔兹曼分布。
玻尔兹曼机(Boltzmann Machine,BM)是一种特殊形式的对数线性的马尔科夫随机场(Markov Random Field,MRF),即能量函数是自由变量的线性函数。 通过引入隐含单元,我们可以提升模型的表达能力,表示非常复杂的概率分布。限制性玻尔兹曼机(RBM)进一步加一些约束,在RBM中不存在可见单元与可见单元的链接,也不存在隐含单元与隐含单元的链接,如下图所示
有了上述三个公式我们可以使用最大似然估计来求解模型的参数:设 。把概率p(x)改写为 。
Hinton教授提出一种改进方法叫做对比分歧(Contrastive Divergence),即CD-K。他指出CD没有必要等待链收敛,样本可以通过k步 的gibbs抽样完成,仅需要较少的抽样步数(实验中使用一步)就可以得到足够好的效果。
下面附上Geoff Hinton提供的关于RBM的matlab代码
% Version 1.000
% Code provided by Geoff Hinton and Ruslan Salakhutdinov
% Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, modify, or distribute this
% program and accompanying programs and documents for any purpose, provided
% this copyright notice is retained and prominently displayed, along with
% a note saying that the original programs are available from our
% web page.
% The programs and documents are distributed without any warranty, express or
% implied. As the programs were written for research purposes only, they have
% not been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important
% application. All use of these programs is entirely at the user's own risk. % This program trains Restricted Boltzmann Machine in which
% visible, binary, stochastic pixels are connected to
% hidden, binary, stochastic feature detectors using symmetrically
% weighted connections. Learning is done with -step Contrastive Divergence.
% The program assumes that the following variables are set externally:
% maxepoch -- maximum number of epochs
% numhid -- number of hidden units
% batchdata -- the data that is divided into batches (numcases numdims numbatches)
% restart -- set to if learning starts from beginning epsilonw = 0.1; % Learning rate for weights
epsilonvb = 0.1; % Learning rate for biases of visible units
epsilonhb = 0.1; % Learning rate for biases of hidden units
weightcost = 0.0002;
initialmomentum = 0.5;
finalmomentum = 0.9; [numcases numdims numbatches]=size(batchdata); if restart ==,
epoch=; % Initializing symmetric weights and biases.
vishid = 0.1*randn(numdims, numhid);
hidbiases = zeros(,numhid);
visbiases = zeros(,numdims); poshidprobs = zeros(numcases,numhid);
neghidprobs = zeros(numcases,numhid);
posprods = zeros(numdims,numhid);
negprods = zeros(numdims,numhid);
vishidinc = zeros(numdims,numhid);
hidbiasinc = zeros(,numhid);
visbiasinc = zeros(,numdims);
end for epoch = epoch:maxepoch,
fprintf(,'epoch %d\r',epoch);
for batch = :numbatches,
fprintf(,'epoch %d batch %d\r',epoch,batch); %%%%%%%%% START POSITIVE PHASE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
data = batchdata(:,:,batch);
poshidprobs = ./( + exp(-data*vishid - repmat(hidbiases,numcases,)));
posprods = data' * poshidprobs;
poshidact = sum(poshidprobs);
posvisact = sum(data); %%%%%%%%% END OF POSITIVE PHASE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
poshidstates = poshidprobs > rand(numcases,numhid); %%%%%%%%% START NEGATIVE PHASE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
negdata = ./( + exp(-poshidstates*vishid' - repmat(visbiases,numcases,1)));
neghidprobs = ./( + exp(-negdata*vishid - repmat(hidbiases,numcases,)));
negprods = negdata'*neghidprobs;
neghidact = sum(neghidprobs);
negvisact = sum(negdata); %%%%%%%%% END OF NEGATIVE PHASE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
err= sum(sum( (data-negdata).^ ));
errsum = err + errsum; if epoch>,
end; %%%%%%%%% UPDATE WEIGHTS AND BIASES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
vishidinc = momentum*vishidinc + ...
epsilonw*( (posprods-negprods)/numcases - weightcost*vishid);
visbiasinc = momentum*visbiasinc + (epsilonvb/numcases)*(posvisact-negvisact);
hidbiasinc = momentum*hidbiasinc + (epsilonhb/numcases)*(poshidact-neghidact); vishid = vishid + vishidinc;
visbiases = visbiases + visbiasinc;
hidbiases = hidbiases + hidbiasinc; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF UPDATES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end
fprintf(, 'epoch %4i error %6.1f \n', epoch, errsum);