一 简介
The TPC is a non-profit corporation founded to define transaction processing and database benchmarks and to disseminate objective, verifiable TPC performance data to the industry.
TPC(The Transaction Processing Performance Council)是一个非盈利公司,致力于定义事务处理和数据库benchmark,同时向业界发布客观的可验证的tpc性能数据;
The term transaction is often applied to a wide variety of business and computer functions. Looked at as a computer function, a transaction could refer to a set of operations including disk read/writes, operating system calls, or some form of data transfer from one subsystem to another.
While TPC benchmarks certainly involve the measurement and evaluation of computer functions and operations, the TPC regards a transaction as it is commonly understood in the business world: a commercial exchange of goods, services, or money. A typical transaction, as defined by the TPC, would include the updating to a database system for such things as inventory control (goods), airline reservations (services), or banking (money).
In these environments, a number of customers or service representatives input and manage their transactions via a terminal or desktop computer connected to a database. Typically, the TPC produces benchmarks that measure transaction processing (TP) and database (DB) performance in terms of how many transactions a given system and database can perform per unit of time, e.g., transactions per second or transactions per minute.
TPC-DS is a Decision Support Benchmark
A simple schema for decision support systems or data warehouses is the star schema, where events are collected in large fact tables, while smaller supporting tables (dimensions) are used to describe the data.
The TPC-DS is an example of such a schema. It models a typical retail warehouse where the events are sales and typical dimensions are date of sale, time of sale, or demographic of the purchasing party.
决策支持系统的schema中,event被存放在大的事实表(fact table)中,而小的维度表(dimension table)用来描述数据;
The TPC Benchmark DS (TPC-DS) is a decision support benchmark that models several generally applicable aspects of a decision support system, including queries and data maintenance. The benchmark provides a representative evaluation of performance as a general purpose decision support system. A benchmark result measures query response time in single user mode, query throughput in multi user mode and data maintenance performance for a given hardware, operating system, and data processing system configuration under a controlled, complex, multi-user decision support workload. The purpose of TPC benchmarks is to provide relevant, objective performance data to industry users. TPC-DS Version 2 enables emerging technologies, such as Big Data systems, to execute the benchmark.
二 使用
1 下载
2 安装
3 初始化表结构sql脚本
4 生成测试数据
其中 -SCALE 用于指定生成的数据规模,可以修改比如10GB,1TB
5 生成查询脚本
三 测试hive
1 下载安装
2 生成测试数据和查询脚本
3 运行测试
4 批量测试
my $suite = shift; my $scale = shift || ; dieWithUsage("suite name required") unless $suite eq "tpcds" or $suite eq "tpch"; chdir $SCRIPT_PATH; if( $suite eq 'tpcds' ) { chdir "sample-queries-tpcds"; } else { chdir 'sample-queries-tpch'; } # end if my @queries = glob '*.sql'; my $db = { 'tpcds' => "tpcds_bin_partitioned_orc_$scale", 'tpch' => "tpch_flat_orc_$scale" }; print "filename,status,time,rows\n"; for my $query ( @queries ) { my $logname = "$query.log"; my $cmd="echo 'use $db->{${suite}}; source $query;' | hive -i testbench.settings 2>&1 | tee $query.log";
这个脚本有两个参数:suite scale,比如tpcds 10
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use File::Basename; # PROTOTYPES
sub dieWithUsage(;$); # GLOBALS
my $SCRIPT_NAME = basename( __FILE__ );
my $SCRIPT_PATH = dirname( __FILE__ ); # MAIN
dieWithUsage("one or more parameters not defined") unless @ARGV >= ;
my $suite = shift;
my $scale = shift || ;
my $format = shift || ;
my $engineCmd = shift || ;
dieWithUsage("suite name required") unless $suite eq "tpcds" or $suite eq "tpch";
print "params: $suite, $scale, $format, $engineCmd;"; chdir $SCRIPT_PATH;
if( $suite eq 'tpcds' ) {
chdir "sample-queries-tpcds";
} else {
chdir 'sample-queries-tpch';
} # end if
my @queries = glob '*.sql'; my $db = {
'tpcds' => "tpcds_bin_partitioned_${format}_$scale",
'tpch' => "tpch_flat_${format}_$scale"
}; print "filename,status,time,rows\n";
for my $query ( @queries ) {
my $logname = "$query.log";
my $cmd="${engineCmd}/$db->{${suite}} -i conf.settings -f $query 2>&1 | tee $query.log";
# my $cmd="cat $query.log";
#print $cmd ; exit;
my $currentTime = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(time));
print "$currentTime : ";
print "$cmd \n"; my $hiveStart = time(); my @hiveoutput=`$cmd`;
die "${SCRIPT_NAME}:: ERROR: hive command unexpectedly exited \$? = '$?', \$! = '$!'" if $?; my $hiveEnd = time();
my $hiveTime = $hiveEnd - $hiveStart;
my $is_success = ;
foreach my $line ( @hiveoutput ) {
if( $line =~ /[(\d+|No)]\s+row[s]? selected \(([\d\.]+) seconds\)/ ) {
$is_success = ;
print "$query,success,$hiveTime,$1\n";
} # end if
} # end while
if( $is_success == ) {
print "$query,failed,$hiveTime\n";
} # end for sub dieWithUsage(;$) {
my $err = shift || '';
if( $err ne '' ) {
chomp $err;
$err = "ERROR: $err\n\n";
} # end if print STDERR <<USAGE;
perl ${SCRIPT_NAME} [tpcds|tpch] [scale] [format] [engineCmd] Description:
This script runs the sample queries and outputs a CSV file of the time it took each query to run. Also, all hive output is kept as a log file named 'queryXX.sql.log' for each query file of the form 'queryXX.sql'. Defaults to scale of .
exit ;
#!/bin/sh current_dir=`pwd` scale="$1"
format="$2" if [ -z "$scale" ]; then
if [ -z "$format" ]; then
fi #echo "$current_dir $component $scale $test_dir"
echo "mkdir merge"
echo "" component="hive"
test_dir="test_$component" echo "# test $component"
echo "mkdir $test_dir"
echo "cp -R sample-queries-tpcds $test_dir"
echo "ln -s $current_dir/ $test_dir/"
echo "cd $test_dir"
echo "perl tpcds ${scale} $format \"$HIVE_HOME/bin/beeline -i conf.settings -n hadoop -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000\" 2>&1| tee ${component}_${scale}_${format}.log"
echo "cd .."
echo "grep -e '^query' $test_dir/${component}_${scale}_${format}.log|sort > merge/${component}_${scale}_${format}.log"
echo "wc -l merge/${component}_${scale}_${format}.log"
echo "" component="spark"
test_dir="test_$component" echo "# test $component"
echo "mkdir $test_dir"
echo "cp -R sample-queries-tpcds $test_dir"
echo "ln -s $current_dir/ $test_dir/"
echo "cd $test_dir"
echo "perl tpcds ${scale} $format \"$SPARK_HOME/bin/beeline -i conf.settings -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:11111\" 2>&1| tee ${component}_${scale}_${format}.log"
echo "cd .."
echo "grep -e '^query' $test_dir/${component}_${scale}_${format}.log|sort > merge/${component}_${scale}_${format}.log"
echo "wc -l merge/${component}_${scale}_${format}.log"
echo "" component="impala"
test_dir="test_$component" echo "# test $component"
echo "mkdir $test_dir"
echo "cp -R sample-queries-tpcds $test_dir"
echo "ln -s $current_dir/ $test_dir/"
echo "cd $test_dir"
echo "perl tpcds ${scale} $format \"$HIVE_HOME/bin/beeline -i conf.settings -d com.cloudera.impala.jdbc4.Driver -u jdbc:impala://localhost:21050\" 2>&1| tee ${component}_${scale}_${format}.log"
echo "cd .."
echo "grep -e '^query' $test_dir/${component}_${scale}_${format}.log|sort > merge/${component}_${scale}_${format}.log"
echo "wc -l merge/${component}_${scale}_${format}.log"
echo "" component="presto"
test_dir="test_$component" echo "# test $component"
echo "mkdir $test_dir"
echo "cp -R sample-queries-tpcds $test_dir"
echo "ln -s $current_dir/ $test_dir/"
echo "cd $test_dir"
echo "perl tpcds ${scale} $format \"$HIVE_HOME/bin/beeline -i conf.settings -d com.facebook.presto.jdbc.PrestoDriver -n hadoop -u jdbc:presto://localhost:8080/hive\" 2>&1| tee ${component}_${scale}_${format}.log"
echo "cd .."
echo "grep -e '^query' $test_dir/${component}_${scale}_${format}.log|sort > merge/${component}_${scale}_${format}.log"
echo "wc -l merge/${component}_${scale}_${format}.log" echo "awk -F ',' '{if(NF==4){print \$1\",\"\$4}else{print \$1\",0\"}}' merge/hive_${scale}_${format}.log > /tmp/hive_${scale}_${format}.log"
echo "awk -F ',' '{if(NF==4){print \$4}else{print \"0\"}}' merge/spark_${scale}_${format}.log > /tmp/spark_${scale}_${format}.log"
echo "awk -F ',' '{if(NF==4){print \$4}else{print \"0\"}}' merge/impala_${scale}_${format}.log > /tmp/impala_${scale}_${format}.log"
echo "awk -F ',' '{if(NF==4){print \$4}else{print \"0\"}}' merge/presto_${scale}_${format}.log > /tmp/presto_${scale}_${format}.log"
echo "paste -d\",\" /tmp/hive_${scale}_${format}.log /tmp/spark_${scale}_${format}.log /tmp/impala_${scale}_${format}.log /tmp/presto_${scale}_${format}.log > merge/result_${scale}_${format}.csv"
echo "sed -i \"1i sql_${scale}_${format},hive,spark,impala,presto\" merge/result_${scale}_${format}.csv"
echo ""