
Name = input('Input your name: ')
Age = input('Input your age: ')
Job = input('Input your job: ')
Hometown = input('Input your hometown: ') print('---------- Info of', Name,'----------')
print('Name: ', Name)
print('Age: ', Age)
print('Job: ', Job)
print('Hometown: ', Hometown)
print('------------- End -------------') 


Name = input('Input your name: ')
Age = input('Input your age: ')
Job = input('Input your job: ')
Hometown = input('Input your hometown: ') info = '''
---------- Info of %s ----------
Name: %s
Age : %s
Job : %s
Hometown: %s
-------------- End -------------
''' % (Name, Name, Age, Job, Hometown)




C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>python info.py
Input your name: Lisa
Input your age: 18
Input your job: modal
Input your hometown: UK ---------- Info of Lisa ----------
Name: Lisa
Age : 18
Job : modal
Hometown: UK
-------------- End -------------


注:第二种方法是将人物信息进行格式化输入输出,更加方便. %s是占位符
%s  字符串(string)
%d   数字(digit)
%f    小数(float)


Name = input('Input your name: ')
Age = int(input('Input your age: '))
Job = input('Input your job: ')
Hometown = input('Input your hometown: ') info = '''
---------- Info of %s ----------
Name: %s
Age : %d
Job : %s
Hometown: %s
-------------- End -------------
''' % (Name, Name, Age, Job, Hometown) print(info)


05-02 02:02