How to install nacos 2.4 with podman

r the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * *

DevNow: Search with Lunrjs

前言假期真快,转眼国庆假期已经到了最后一天。这次国庆没有出去玩,在北京看了看房子,原先的房子快要到期了,找了个更加通透一点的房子,采光也很好。闲暇时间准备优化下 DevNow 的搜索组件,经过上一版 搜索组件优化 - Command ⌘K 的优化,现在的搜索内容只能支持标题,由于有时候标题不能百分百概括文章主题,所以希望支持 摘要 和 文章内容 搜索。搜索库的横向对比这里需要对比了 fuse.js...

Transform Images with Filestack Integration

Transform Images with Filestack Integration Froala Editor 4.3 empowers users to enhance images with filters and resizing features using Filestack’s enhanced image transformations UI. Froala Editor i...

[云] Hands-on with a sample application--DockerCoins 挖矿程序!

DockerCoins 挖矿程序!💰🐳📦🚢 不,你不能用 DockerCoins 买咖啡。 DockerCoins 如何工作: 生成一些随机字节: 程序首先生成一串随机的字节数据。这些随机字节用于模拟挖矿过程中的随机性。 对这些字节进行哈希运算: 使用哈希函数对生成的随机字节进行加密哈希处理。哈希函数会将输入的数据转换为固定长度的字符串,这在密码学和数据完整性验证中非常常见。 增加一个计数器(用于跟踪速度...

Delta lake with Java--利用spark sql操作数据2

port org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode;import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; public class DeltaLakeWithSparkSql2 { public static void main(String[] args) { SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder() .ma...

Delta lake with Java--利用spark sql操作数据1

今天要解决的问题是如何使用spark sql 建表,插入数据以及查询数据 1、建立一个类叫 DeltaLakeWithSparkSql1,具体代码如下,例子参考Delta Lake Up & Running第3章内容 import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode;import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import java.tex...

Detla lake with Java--在spark集群上运行程序

toDF(); data.write().format("delta").mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).save("file:///D:\\bigdata\\detla-lake-with-java\\delta-table-data"); Dataset<Row> df ="delta").load("file:///D:\\bigdata\...

LeetCode //C - 528. Random Pick with Weight

528. Random Pick with Weight You are given a 0-indexed array of positive integers w where w[i] describes the weight of the i t h i^{th} ith index. You need to implement the function pickIndex(), which ra...

Run PHPUnit Tests with the Latest Features

Run PHPUnit Tests with the Latest Features PhpStorm 2024.1 leverages the newest enhancements in PHPUnit 11.0, ensuring your tests are as effective and reliable as possible. PhpStorm by JetBrains is ...

小白水平理解面试经典题目1431. Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies【Array类】

果的孩子“的题目吗,来看看小伙子你对array的理解。 小白:嘿嘿,这不巧了么这不是。 public static boolean compare(int[] candiesNew, int kidsWithExtra) { int max = candiesNew[0]; boolean kidIsMax = false; for (int i = 1; i < candiesNew.length; i...
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