作曲:Kim Young

来跟我说话 我迷上了你的长发
别害怕 来吧散发 诱惑美丽传说神话
就这样爱上了他 忽远忽近的距离让我忘了时差
就这样爱上了他 唇边闻到的香味令我无法自拔 慢慢靠近我吧

My pretty lady do you know me.
Let me see isn't it some kinda lovers in destiny.
On your back, This is how I move on the track like my fire on
ashes, don't U miss out on the fact that you've walked on.
(Don't you've walked on)It's our party that you've parked
on. Maybe if u try to know like I miss U, can't explain how
I miss U. Check out the lines with the print saying'Love U'

思念就要 爆炸 什么样的鲜花 才能 让我靠近他
我无法 忘记他 无论有什么惩罚 爱到无天也无法

别让爱情 蒸发 什么样的代价 才能 让我留下他
我无法 不想他 要爱就用力爱吧 爱到无天也无法

请你爱上我好吗 别害怕 我已经无法自拔
就请你爱我吧(请你吻我吧) 就这样爱上了他 不挣扎
我已经无法自拔 就这样爱上他 我无法自拔 来跟我说话

请你爱上我好吗 忽隐忽现的暧昧让我忘了挣扎(请不要让我心乱如麻)
就请你爱上我吧 我用心跳表达的话你听见了吗 抱紧我就别再放开

Hey baby can U feel the loving, gotta show it as U know it.
Now you've seen a 1000 lovers come & go,saying.
If I gotta try now, searching my world,it's a pit pit,do
love a little favor. Digadaga Digadandan Let us show the
people what we're made of, if U know the reason why.
Don't (you) ask why.Nothing's gonna stop us.so let us fly.

专辑:1St Album[First Album]
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